Sunday, October 2, 2011

All By Myself

I really want to move away from my parents. It's a tier 2 level on my bucket list. I thought about it all by myself. I sound like a little kid who is trying to sound grown up or something. I'm off to put an oversized coat and some oversized high heels. I don't want any other family members meddling in this. This is between me and my parents, and they are cool with it. As a reward I'm going to buy myself a Sky Rocket pony, and a Lime Chiffon doll.

Here are all the benefits I see:
My dad won't be so nosy about my mail
I don't have to worry about his crabby cycles/fits
I can get an decent internet connection (a higher priority to me than to my parents)
I can buy the food I like and want (no more having to eat nasty fish patties)

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