Thursday, June 25, 2009

Celebrity Death Watch '09

I was planning on writing a blog about something else. I even teased it on my twitter page, and it's pretty much done. All it needs is a few more paragraphs to be typed. It would've been done by tonight.

This was before a whole bunch of things happened. First the death of Farrah Fawcett. The funny things was i was thinking about her earlier this morning. I was thinking about how her winged hairstyle was really popular, and how Gwen brought it back in 2000 in pink. I'll admit I had that hairstyle in 2000, sometimes it was pink. One of my guy friends from high school (I won't mention names here) thought it was hot. I didn't like to wear that hairstyle much even though it was very Gwen. I didn't like it because it took a lot of hairspray, and i thought my hair was going to catch on fire.

Anyway back to Farrah's death. It was announced a little before The Price is Right (which airs at 10AM PT for me. Shout out to Drew Carey!) The funny thing about celebrity deaths is that they make my dad act a little weird even though he "claims" he doesn't like celebrities, but he'll end up watching a tribute to them on tv or something.

His celebrity death prediction has been Cronkite. He's been saying that for the past few days now. Not to sound mean or anything, but recently I signed up for this celebrity death pool online. Farrah and Ed McMahon were on my list. Maybe I didn't lose my touch at predicting celebrity deaths. I lost it for a while last year. I'm usually good at this type of thing. I hate to sound like Daphne from Frasier, but I believe I have psychic abilities. I think they are not very strong. sometimes things can be pretty patchy.

Funny thing about McMahon's death when I read about it online (skimming twitter) I mistakenly thought it was Vince at first. I guess I had wrestling on my mind. LOL! :P

One of my parents said celebrities die in 3's.

So my dad thought I didn't know who Walter Cronkite is. How stupid does he think I am?
I'm going to play "Really?" like they do on Weekend Update on SNL.
You don't think I know who Cronkite is?
So all these media classes I took in college I never learned about him?
You think I only know about Dan Rather and Katie Couric?
This has been "Really?"

I know my dad was going to be online for awhile because the Dodgers had a day game against the Chicago White Sox. My psychic abilities might be patchy, but I can usually read my dad like a book. Especially since he thinks he's all slick, but he's not. He was online for 4 hours straight, and he bitches at me for being on the computer all night. He tries to cover it up, and make it look like he was doing other things when he is really not. He's about as sneaky on the computer as Savannah Weaver. Maybe he's IMing his robot friend in the basement. Scratch that IMing is too complicated for him. He acts like he's all innocent about it.

When I woke up from my mid afternoon nap my mom told me Micheal Jackson died. So that was the 3rd person. For some silly reason I thought about The Jeffersons episode of South Park. I couldn't remember if he was in my pool or not. I would have checked it and read about his death online if my dad wasn't hogging the computer.

I wonder if the price of Farrah and Micheal Jackson stuff will increase by like 50% or more. It probably will at The Android's Dungeon and Baseball Card Shop.

You know I never owned a Farrah poster or even a Micheal Jackson album. o.0

Here's a little know fact about me. I wasn't a big Jackson fan, but my favorite song by him is "You Are Not Alone". What a fitting song. So watch your Charlie's Angels (TV show) and play some Micheal Jackson songs.

Why is it so "cool" online to hate on Micheal's death?

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