Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sexy Nostalgia Part 1

The title is a little misleading. I’m talking about those sexy style nostalgic costume like Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite.

Since there are so many versions of the Strawberry Shortcake costumes. They have even done some of the other characters of the series like Blueberry Muffin. I decided to devote this blog to only those costumes. Hey slutty costume makers there are some untapped ideas for you that I have. They are really sexy. LOL! :P
I’m going to do this character by character. First up is Strawberry Shortcake. The star of the series and it’s many revivals during the years.
First is the pink “strawberry girl” costume. It’s cute, but not very accurate.
Here is another sexier version. Sexy, but inaccurate.
The second costume isn’t too bad. The dress is red. I like the ruffly petticoat. Which is probably not included.
The third one to me looks the most accurate for being a “sexy knockoff”. the dress is red and there is even some detailing on the apron.
At first I didn’t like the fourth costume. I though it was ugly and really inaccurate, but after I looked at if for a while it grew on me. I think it is a “sexy knockoff” of the Party Pleaser dress.
This fifth costume is called “berry cute”. Who knew Strawberry Shortcake wore a strapless corset dress? Inaccurate and ugly. I do like those strawberry socks though. I’d buy and wear the strawberry socks without a “strawberry girl” costume.

Next is Blueberry Muffin. Here is the “blueberry girl” costume. I think it’s really inaccurate. When I first saw this costume in a flyer for a store I didn’t even know what it was suppose to be. It’d look better without the polka dots.
Here is another “blueberry girl” costume I found. It’s cute and looks a little more accurate. For some reason it reminds me of a Mad Hatter costume or something.

Lemon Meringue; the costumes available for her or “lemon girl” are interesting…
Here is the “lemon girl” costume. I think this is ugly and inaccurate. It looks nothing like what Lemon Meringue wears.
Here is another “lemon girl” costume. This one is cute, sexy, and accurate looking. I love the hat on this one. I’d wear this.

Raspberry Tart got the short end of the stick here. This “raspberry girl” costume is horrible. It is wrong in so many ways. When I saw this one in a flyer for a store I didn’t even know what it was suppose to be. I know I said the same thing for the “blueberry girl” costume. When I first saw the raspberry one I thought it was a recolor variation of the “strawberry girl” costume. You know like when they sell a green witch dress and a purple witch dress. The costumes are exactly the same except for the color. First off Raspberry doesn’t wear polka dots either she wears gingham. She also doesn’t wear a dress. She wears like some type of pantaloon or bloomer shorts. I have no idea what the costume designers where thinking of when they came up with it.
Here is a sexier version of the costume. Epic Fail.

Cherry Cuddler this costume baffled me at first since she is a “baby” character. The “cherry girl” costume looks like a mix between Cherry’s original outfit and Party Pleaser dress. It also has it’s own thing goin’ on with the red checkers. I think it would have been cute if it had a cherry print on it instead. The hat is awesome.
Apple Dumplin’ another baffler here since she is also a “baby” character. I think this “apple girl” costume is suppose to be her Party Pleaser dress. Looks pretty accurate even the hat. It’s a nice “sexy knockoff”. I’d wear this one too.
Why not stop there? They should make some more “sexy knockoff” Strawberry Shortcake characters. My first thought was Orange Blossom. Why isn’t she getting any love here? The sexy version of her outfit would probably be an orange polka dot dress with white dots and an apron with an orange on it.

I also like Lime Chiffon. I always thought she wore a cute outfit. It looks easy to make it into a slutty version. They probably won’t do justice to her hat though. The sexy version of her outfit would probably be a solid color lime green dress with a petticoat and an apron with a lime on it.

Here are my sketches of how I would make a “sexy knockoff” version of their outfits. I know they aren't that good. They are just to give you an idea of my version.
Here are some other characters I thought about. Apricot…maybe. Butter Cookie…possibly. Plum Pudding might work. I think the costume makers want to use characters that have a fruit in their name. Angel Cake could work and so could Banana Twirl and Peach Blush.

I got some of my graphics at and at

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