Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Superficial Lies

I don't understand why people say appearances are not important. Yet when somebody is dressed in a gangster outfit most people assume that person is a gangster. This is one of the reasons why I want to dress like an adult. Trade my jeans and novelty tees in for some smart looking blouses, slacks and sensible skirts. (no hoochie wear) That is what I've been taught all my life appearance is everything and that first impressions count.

The thing I don't understand is why teach children appearance is not important when it is not true? I mean clothing wise.

I feel like Miss BG who thought she was mature when she stopped wearing scruchies, and she started talking with a deep voice.

If I live to see 20 years from now I will have to dress properly with giant bold scarves, necklaces, and chokers.

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