Sunday, May 24, 2009

Miscellaneous blog #6

I decided that my messed up twitter profile is just frustrating me too much. I decided to walk away from it for a bit. I will still be going on the site to read what the people I follow have to say. I might miss something important.

I made a octopus hot dog today. I got the idea from watching Erin’s Challenge! I Can Speak Japanese. They show how to make them in episode 2. They call them “octopus wieners”. I know the title sounds a little perverted. Here’s instructions on how to make them. These instructions tell you to put the hot dog in the microwave. On the show they said to fry them. I fried mine. You can also make little eyes with sesame seeds. I didn’t have any on hand so I just cut the features on with a knife. Here is a picture of it. My mom thought I was trying to be like Shirley by taking a picture of food, but I wasn’t this time. I just wanted people to see what I had cooked. The picture does need a proper title.

My octopus hot dog
Or you could always buy this neat little item. Although it only cuts the hot dog into 6 pieces which would really make a “squid”.

You know there is something I always wanted to do. To learn hip hop dancing. It’s not because of all those dance show that have become popular recently. I’ve wanted to learn how to hip hop dance since I was about 8. I think i should get in shape first before I attempt this. I 'd really like to learn how to dance correctly.

Hurt my leg today. I fell on my bed. It’s amazing how quickly my knee bruised up. It’s all purpley.

I know a lot of the fans are still mad about the cancellation of Terminator. I’m not swearing off Fox. For 2 reasons: I don’t get many channels, and because I enjoy their animated shows; although the Simpsons has been lacking in recent years. You know this is the same thing that happened when The OC got canceled. Why can’t people be mature about this kind of thing? Plus Glee looks like a good show.

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