Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm not Inclined to Resign to Maturity

My dad got let go from his job. It didn't work out. He says they wanted him to know things he's never done before. It was gone like that *snaps fingers*

My dad wants me to go to the mall and ask who is hiring. He is up to something I can feel it. I sound like Shawn Spencer. LOL XD ^-^

Maybe I should try and solve crimes instead. Too bad I don't have a grounded best friend anymore who drives a compact car. She drove a Ford. I need to buy some Mitchum and a pineapple.

Why does my dad get mad when I say places need retail experience? It's not like I can magically get some without being hired anywhere, and get a job. Stupid!

The last Price is Right clips of the week were Drew's first show, and the first playing of Any Number with Bob.

The end of All My Children was dumb. It was too Sopranos for me.

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