Saturday, February 7, 2009

I like it Because of my Heritage

Sorry about the lack of blogs. I've been working on some really good ones, but they are pretty long and not done yet. Ok maybe I need to get my shit together.

Anyway I think this blog deserves a little back story. Back when I was a freshman in high school I use to know this girl who was Chinese. She was telling me something about her jade pig necklace. I don't know, but somehow the conversation went into Pokemon. It was like 1998 or 1999 back then. Pokemon was so popular. She was telling me that she only likes Pokemon because it's part of her heritage, and that she had to like it because she's Chinese. I asked if she was Japanese, but she said "no".

So then after she told me that I started thinking about all the different ethnicities I have mixed in me and what I should like. Since I know I'm of Welsh heritage I decided to adopt all of the UK. This explains my affinity for English music especially 2-tone ska. Where I come from English music means English language music and not necessarily music from England. This is very confusing to a lot of people when I talk to them and I say I like English music. I'll say I like No Doubt and people get confused since they were formed in Anaheim. This also explains my love for really strong tea.

I recienlty found out my last name is of Scottish origin. For all these years I thought it was German. Or at least that's what my dad told me. When I use to take French in high school the French teacher told me my last name is French. I do have a little French in me. I found this out my accident. I was googling myself again. When I put in my last name it said it was Scottish which made me think of this quote from the Simpsons by Groundskeeper Willie: "Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!"

My last name is not Manson and it doesn't have a Mc or Mac in it either. It doesn't even start with an "M".

Maybe this explains why I like Shirley so much? I don't know. Speaking of Shirley and Scotsmen. She is going to be a guest on Furgeson again. Too bad I can't go the taping. :(

I guess I should embrace my Mexican side more and eat a lot more spicy food. I do like churros and carne asada.

To anybody reading this blog it was meant to be a joke blog please don't be offended.

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