Friday, July 3, 2009

Twitter Friend- A parody of Bad Boyfriend

I wrote this yesterday night. It took me a couple of hours. I was going to use “Queer”, but it was too hard for me to use to write about twitter. This is the first “nerdy” parody song I wrote. Tell me what you think. I had been working on a parody of Rihannna’s “Umbrella” which was going to be a song about the Winx Club character Stella. Who is my favorite character BTW. Here’s a picture of her. Here’s a sample of the unfinished chorus:
“From the sunlight, she gets her power

Her and Brandon forever

She’ll always help her friends



Her name is Stella

Her name is Stella

(Ella ella eh eh eh)


(Ella ella eh eh eh)


la ella eh eh eh)

(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)”

I also tried to write a parody of “I Think I‘m Paranoid” about being unemployed called “I Think I‘m Unemployed”, but I couldn’t work out the chorus on that one. I was so inspired by Weird Al’s “White & Nerdy” to wr
ite song about the otaku culture. I was going to use Imperial Teen’s “Yoo Hoo”. I never got past the chorus. Here is a sample of the chorus I wrote:
”I otaku , I otaku , I otaku

I otaku , I otaku , I otaku

She said otaku (x4)”

Twitter Friend- A parody of Bad Boyfriend

I wrote a tweet
Come read it and see
“I just had some really great tea”

Why can’t I write something that trends?

Come on and be my twitter friend

I wrote something really inane

“Look I made a paper plane!”

I hope this message sends

Come on and be my twitter friend

So ripe so tweet come read it and see

Watch out people I tweet constantly
These kind of tweets are funny to all my friends

Come on and be my twitter friend

This tweet does not suck

“Ate a pound of sugar”

I tweeted what?
I want to be followed by one thousand and ten

Come on and be my twitter friend

Why don’t you RSS feed me?

Why don’t you follow me?

Why don’t you @me?

My tweets were dumb from the start

“Under the couch I found 3 dimes”

“That’s the most money I could find”

I can write something meaningful at least now and then

Come on and be my twitter friend

If you want me to sound important just pretend

Please help my topic trend
If you want me to sound important just pretend
Come on and be my twitter friend

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