Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lazy Memoirs

I thought I’d get an early start on this blog.

Since it’s July now I should set some goals for the month. Let’s see…how about I write some “lazy memoirs”? A lazy memoir is a memoir I tried to write, but didn’t quite get finished or the story doesn’t really have a proper ending. It will be like that skit from SNL with Jack Handey. The Fuzzy Memories ones.

I want to finish up the blogs I’ve been gathering material for. I’ve been working on more sticker blogs.I should crack that book I got from my memoir class, and read at least some of it. (stories I didn‘t write) 0;)

Here is something strange those annoying career people called me 6 times yesterday! Their calling pattern is really strange. They called at 9:50 AM, 10:42 AM, 2:13 PM, 2:16 PM, 2:40PM, and 4:56 PM. Today they cut their calls to me in half and only called 3 times. Again the calling pattern was strange. They called at 10:21 AM, 10:52 AM and 6:32 PM. Why call in clusters? :/

Good news! I got a good grade in my sales class. I thought I’d get a C or something, but not a D or F. (It‘s higher than a C). I wonder what my grade is from the memoir class? Maybe it will be like Maeby Funke's report card it makes me feel like a jack in the box.

Here are some screen caps for you to use. Sorry the quality is bad, but enjoy. They are from Shirley’s appearance on the Late Late show with Craig Ferguson from April, 28, 2009. All screen caps are copyright of their respective owners.

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