Sunday, September 13, 2009

You can't use it if it's Broken

First I was going to write what a special day today is to me since it's the anniversary of something...rib sandwiches all around. Well if I had any to give and if you wanted one.

Then I thought I should take the day off. Actually I thought I was going to have to do it. Oh yeah and since I just decided to write a blog like a few minutes ago please excuse the misspellings and such.

Ok so it all started this morning I was going to check the tv listings online. I wasn't even going to waste time just check it and leave. I couldn't get online at all! I tried for like a half hour until I gave up.

Later my dad was bothering me about some contest I needed help with signing up for online. So I ask how he even got online since I couldn't do it for like a half hour in the morning. Then he gets all weird on me and tells me not to think about why I can't sign on because (he's using his blanket statement here) "computer crap!"

Then he gets mad and acts like I can fix the problem if the modem is broken by myself. I'm not that knowledgeable to actually take out parts of a computer and replace, repair or even identify them. Sometimes I don't understand him. I mean sometimes he treats me like I'm some kind of bumbling idiot who doesn't know shit. Then sometimes he acts I like I can do or fix anything. WHAT THE HELL?!

*takes a deep breath* Well at least he didn't give me that speech again about how his stereo has worked for him without any problems for about 30 years. 1. What does that have to do with computers, and 2. A stereo and a computer are 2 totally different things.

For some reason he also doesn't understand is that when something is broken (like a computer) nobody can use it. I mean I try to explain it in layman's terms for him, but I guess it doesn't penetrate. *sigh* Even if it is getting repaired you still can't use it unless you get a loaner or something.

Oh yeah and if I go "missing" for a few days I might be getting my computer repaired.
Thank you for your time. :)

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